MGear Custom Replacement Front Plate Shield only

Customize the look of your Gadget Wallet 3.0 with your very own design; choose between a carbon fiber plate  or level it up with stainless steel metal plate on a carbon fiber plate.

This is an amazing opportunity to express your passion for a specific hobby or for your company. Your only limit is your imagination! Our customers send us images of superheroes, video game characters, cars, motorcycles, their pets, company logos and much more.

The really cool thing about the front plates is that they can be swapped with other front plate designs effortlessly, whenever you desire, without any tools. So don’t feel like once you pick one you’re stuck with it. Order your wallet with a few different front plates and change them depending on your mood or where you’re heading. 

Going to a football game? Put on your favorite NFL face plate. Heading to a work meeting? Put on your company logo face plate. Taking care of some errands? Bring your Spiderman front plate along for the ride!

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